Monthly Archives: October 2024

Tough Going

Originally posted in June 2015 Pain.  “What you feel you can heal” The session with Erica was filled with so much pain.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much except maybe long ago when I splashed pain all over … Continue reading

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What it’s Like to Live with PTSD

Originally posted in June 2015 It’s sunny and beautiful out, and I can’t bear it.  It’s a day to go out and enjoy the world, and I just want to hide.  Yesterday was so much easier, it was grey with … Continue reading

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Difficult Grief

Written after a session with Erica in April 2015, and posted at that time. So what happened with Erica?  I told her about the pain of spring — the earth waking up and I’m still frozen.  Also told her I … Continue reading

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From “First Memory” to Sacred Circle Dance

Written in Tuesday night writing group.    First memory I remember skipping down a brick sidewalk and falling.  I think I was four years old.  We were in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  My father was back from the war — World War … Continue reading

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Work with a Very Young Part

From my journal for October 8: Reading my blog post for February  2015, “Deep Work,” work I did over quite a period of time, January 11 to February 14. It was an attempt to get in touch with a very … Continue reading

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Returning Someone to Themselves

This page was first published in January 2015.  In some ways it tells the whole story of my work to heal from trauma, and starting to heal the attachment wound.  I thought it was important enough to repost. I’m reading … Continue reading

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1997: How My Writing Has Changed

From my journal for September 29, 1997 So how has my writing changed?  Being “literary” is no longer top priority.  I no longer find myself thinking “This is one of the great journals of the world,” no longer fantasize someone … Continue reading

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Stories about my Father

Written in writing group: When I was born my father was away at WWII.  I was three years old when he came home.  He came in the front door and I was in the hall.  Mother said “This is your … Continue reading

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1997: Moving Out of Depression

From my journal for September 12, 1997 Dream fragment: something about how I got out of depression by praising myself.  “Out of depression and into an energy high!” !! It seems to be working again.  This time I’m more conscious and … Continue reading

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