Monthly Archives: July 2024

1996: Auditory Integration Training

From my journal for June 16, 1996 Note: AIT stands for Auditory Integration Training. I hoped it might limit my extreme reaction to the noise of the planes. I’m not looking forward to today.  I didn’t want to get out … Continue reading

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1996: Co-counseling

From my journal for June 15, 1996 [A friend and I are doing co-counseling, each speaking for 20 minutes] I really enjoy watching this wonderful process of “organic thought,” how it starts out meandering and groping, and yet seems to … Continue reading

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1996: The Organic Process of Thought

From my journal for June 14, 1996 Karen said “You started off meandering and came back to yourself,”  but I’m not so sure that’s where I arrived.  The organic process of thought, that arrives not at some pre-ordained goal, but … Continue reading

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1996: “Old” World and “New” World

From my journal for June 5, 1996 It’s not so much the fear that I am going to do something “wrong,” it’s the knowledge that I am “wrong,” and nothing I can do will change it.  And then I feel … Continue reading

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1996: Feeling Safe for the First Time

From my journal for June 6, 1996 O gosh I feel so awful.  I’m also scared — the old stuff — how will I take care of myself — feeling that I don’t have the resources to get my needs … Continue reading

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1996: Crippled Artist Part of Myself

From my journal for May 28, 1996.  I had a dream of a crippled artist who has only one leg. So what can I say about the crippled artist part of myself? She’s vivacious, attractive (I seem to remember dark eyes, … Continue reading

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Simply Staying Present

This is from a post on February 15, 2012.  It struck me as a useful reminder to be present to everything, even tiredness and discouragement. Lynelle referred me to Cynthia’s quote from a Sufi master, Kabir Helminski: “The person who … Continue reading

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1996: Continuum Workshop

From my journal for May 18, 1996         I was at a Continuum workshop. It’s a  movement practice developed by Emilie Conrad Da’oud Emilie’s talk is quite fascinating.  I don’t buy it all on a literal, scientific level, but … Continue reading

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1996: Enneagram 4, Difficult Winter, Individuation Process

From my journal for May 8, 1996 Woke early.  I have angry rejoinders to my brother going through my head, so thought I would just write them down.  Actually, I think he did me a service with his stupid, patronizing, … Continue reading

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2011: “A Gorgeous, Mischievous Moment…”

This piece, about Occupy Wall Street, was originally posted on October 14, 2011.  Alas, a lot of what happened in Israel 13 years ago did not continue, or didn’t make a difference. I’m on an e-list of people who have … Continue reading

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