
I wrote this in December 2005 and first posted it on October 8, 2010. I wrote it deliberately as a vision for how I wanted to see my life, I didn’t believe it at all. Reading it today I am amazed at how accurately it reflects my current understanding. I am also amazed at the elegance of the language.

I thought I might try to write a worldview or a set of beliefs that would help me be more patient and kinder to myself, and maybe even manage my life with more grace, ease, patience, and humor.

1) The physical world, conscious thoughts, and observable behavior are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many hidden energies, karmic, ancestral, local environmental, etc., that majorly affect and condition what we can see.

2) Humans are only part of a huge complex interlocking web of living and non-living beings, and our job is to be conscious stewards of the planet that is our home.

3) At the present time there is so much violence happening and so many negative emotions, that those who have incarnated for the purpose of working toward planetary transformation are finding it very heavy going. Those of us whose major work is transforming the human intellectual and emotional fields, who have chosen to be wounded themselves as a kind of training and preparation for the work, can be especially vulnerable to negativity. We are having to work very hard, attempting to transform all the despair and grief that many people are refusing to allow themselves to feel. This can be very draining on the physical level. There is also the difficulty that the work is not seen and honored by the culture. So we do not get the help and support we need from the people around us.

In this paradigm, I am working hard and effectively to help the planet that I love. My efforts to not give in to my own fear and despair, to live in a manner that does as little harm as possible, and to make soul-nourishing experiences available for a few people, have real and positive consequences.

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