1997: Burst of Creativity

From my journal for July 19, 1997

It’s so odd to have nothing to write in here.  I think writing used to be one way to manage my anxiety, without anxiety there’s no motive for writing.  I feel more drawn to visual and plastic arts, I want to go on with painting, clay work, and move toward some form of multi-media expression — I keep thinking of my “puppet” project, making more spirit figures, or completing the doll house with birchbark roof, a nest in the attic, a “shell room” downstairs (it occurs to me that it would be a house for the soul) and that brings up the idea of shrines — elaborate boxes encrusted with many tiny objects.  The other thing would be a reworking of the slide show with live music and dance as well as the slides and poetry.  Well, we’ll see.  The dollhouse has the most energy at this moment.

This is so interesting.  I find that feeling better immediately leads to a burst of creativity.  I talk about not feeling anxiety, but don’t mention that I’m not feeling depressed either.

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