Connection: the Importance of Values

I’ve just been reading a series of posts from 2014, when I was having a bad time. It’s so interesting to read that now when I’m actually feeling pretty good. What really changed my life was rereading a book called Connection, that I’ve had for a while. It was published in 2021. For some reason, this time it really struck me as a possible process to help me live my life better.

The author, Kristine Klussman, talks about the importance of knowing your values and living your life by them. I found that in some ways I’m already living the way she describes. But there is a lot more I could do. Some is just noticing, paying attention to what I’m already doing. Yesterday I walked around Rivercrest with my dog. Rivercrest is a large area near Kendal which contains grass and trees and an oval of road where we walk. Because I was alone, I paid attention to the tremendous variety of plants that grow in the open areas: very different foliage, many different sizes. I really consciously appreciated the differences.  It definitely added to the enjoyment of my walk.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my values. Among the most important are truth/honesty, beauty, kindness/compassion, spiritual practice. Other things that are important are music and dance, and keeping track of what’s going on in the sky — I have a degree in astronomy — especially I try to see the moon each day. Nature, nature is important, especially our planet that we are not taking good care of. Doing my part to lighten our burden on the planet is very important to me. Nature also includes the sun, the moon, the stars and galaxies.

I can do a lot more thinking about values, and pay attention to what I happen to be doing to see if it has meaning. Does using the toilet have meaning? Yes, it’s about keeping myself healthy, and health is definitely a value.

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