1997: Highly Sensitive People

From my journal for July 15, 1997

New book about “Highly Sensitive People” — It’s clear that I fall into this category, along with about 20% of the population.  Unfortunately, 42% are not sensitive at all, and sensitivity, perception of subtleties, quietness and caution are not traits that are valued by Western Culture,  (Apparently in China & Sweden, these traits are valued.)  The author says that we are very important for the whole, that any society needs its priestly advisors as well as its warrior kings, and that we need to value and protect ourselves appropriately.  I found this book very validating and supportive.  I’ve come to many of the same conclusions lately, I think because of my increased effort to take care of myself appropriately.  The book helps me do that better, by pointing out that what gives HSP’s trouble is overstimulation.  I’ve been cutting down on things by not trying to do so many things in a day, but now I understand why this works.

There was a section on “sacred space,” talking about one of the important functions we perform for society — gives me an added appreciation of Neskaya.  Turns out Dana is HSP too, 15 yes out of 23 questions, and I’m sure Lynelle is.  I was 19 yes out of 23.

Sometime in the late 80’s I went to a retreat called Woman’s Way and was told “You are trying to take in too much.  Use your venetian blinds.” This post tells the story of my fearing I was “too sensitive” and learning that my sensitivity was a special strength that I needed to learn how to use correctly.

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