1997: Candlemas

From my journal for February 3, 1997

A headache spoiled my experience of circle dance, but it actually went well for the people — they liked the ritual I had designed of putting visions in a seed and “quickening” them.  They liked the story of how I found the shells.  Some had been to a Candlemas celebration at Mystic, CT, and had brought back gifts from there.  They had taken snow from here and brought back salt water, seaweed, and shells, which they put in a bowl on the altar.  Sandra had a small jar of beach glass which she scattered on the mirror.  I had put out 3 pottery “shells” filled with shells for them to choose, so their offerings supported my theme.  We were only 10, and it actually felt good, more intimate, they said it felt like “coming home” after being in big circles.

The holiday at the beginning of February is known as Imbolc, Candlemas, or the “Quickening” of the year. It’s the time when the seeds underground wake up and begin to start growing toward the surface. The pottery shells were pinch pots made of clay, the shells were odd shapes, no two alike, colors ranging from pale orange to yellow-white.

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