Sacred Circle Dance

This quote is from an article by Katie Carr about the Sufi Dances of Universal Peace. It was posted on the blog of Dr. Jem Bendell.

In an era where many feel disconnected from others and from themselves, these dances provide a sacred space where individuals can come together, bringing awareness to how our attachment to judgement and competition keep us separated and entangled in our stories of the ‘Other’. The simple act of joining hands in a circle, moving rhythmically to the sounds of sacred music, creates an immediate and tangible sense of belonging. Participants often report feeling an instant connection with those around them, regardless of their background or beliefs. This sense of community is not superficial; it is rooted in the shared intention of peace and the mutual recognition of our shared humanity.

We do the Dances of Universal Peace, along with many traditional folk dances and newly choreographed dances by many different people, in the Sacred Circle Dance that I taught at Neskaya before I moved to Kendal. What she says about the sense of community that is created is exactly what happens at Neskaya when we do circle dances.

One important feature of International Folk Dance is that the dances are rooted in the countries they come from. Doing them is a way of celebrating diversity instead of fighting about it.

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