The World-wide Sacred Civilization

“Imagine for a moment a world-wide sacred civilization.  Imagine people living in harmony and goodwill with their neighbors, and in a state of material prosperity.  Imagine people having satisfying work to do, and having time for artistic pursuits or games or sports or just interesting visits with each other.  Imagine being able to travel anywhere on the planet, without passports and without fear, not  because a homogeneous civilization has been imposed by a planetary state, but because people are in touch with their universal kinship.  Imagine that when you went to different parts of the world you found people and clothing and food and music that were different from what you had at home.  And imagine that all of this was founded on a sense of reverence and joy in living on the earth and sharing the cycles of the seasons.  If this description touches a chord within you, if you find yourself saying “Yes, this is the way it’s supposed to be,” then you can attest to the archetype of the planetary sacred civilization as part of your own heritage.”
The Feminine of History is Mystery, p 122.
(That was written before 1984.  If I were writing it now, I would add “and dances” to the list of things we’d find in different places, and I would add “being in nature” to the list of what we’d have time for.)

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