Guidance for Help in Depression

Dear Guides & Guardian Spirits, I’m having a pretty hard time just getting through the day.  Can you help me?
Dear Jenny, you are doing just fine.  You are doing the work that you need to do to heal this.  Bringing yourself back to the present, back to your body, over and over, IS the work and you are doing it.  We remind you that these strange painful states of lostness and disconnection are something real that you experienced in the past — except that you were overwhelmed and couldn’t process it.  Supporting your self to experience it now is the way to healing, and you are doing it.  These experiences are real, they did really happen, but they are not true now, not the reality of your life now.  You are experiencing them as they leave your body.  You are not “holding on to your pain,” “wanting to be miserable,” or “over-involved with your inner drama,” or any of the other cruel things people have said to you over the years.  You are doing your best to be present to the traumatized baby with compassion.  We love you very much.  Let yourself take it in. (January 2009)

Dear Guides & Guardian Spirits, I’m in pretty rough shape.  A little scared, a little fragile, a little depressed.  I’m feeling cold and distant, and don’t have much hope for the future.  This struggle out of depression is taking much longer than it has before.  Please help me.
Dear Jenny, hang on.  You are doing very good work, very deep work and it has results in the energy foundation of the earth.  By working with your psyche, working to heal your deep pain, you are also helping to heal the deep wounds of the earth.  We know it’s very hard work, and confusing, and full of pain, times of horror, and lostness, and bleakness.  This is a necessary part of the healing.  You must feel these stages as you pass through them.  You must take it on trust that you are moving, even when it doesn’t feel like it.  We are doing our best to support and strengthen you to do this work.  We wish you could feel our presence, but know that’s hard for you.  We love you and honor you for the deep work you are doing. (May 2009)

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